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Wild New Forest Summer 2023 Wildlife Camp

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

This years Young Persons Wildlife Camp was a wonderful weekend and went without a hitch. Everyone enjoyed being at Cameron's Cottage. We had a great group of youngsters and some memorable wildlife experiences over the weekend.

At the end of our time together we asked the

youngsters to write a short piece about their time with us.

We have enjoyed reading each and every one,

so thought we would share there writings here,

hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did.

This weekend I really enjoyed meeting new people and learning a whole lot more then I would have normally, but the thing I enjoyed the most was seeing the Nightjars.

-Thomas Evans

I just generally loved looking around the forest, going on walks and everyone was really nice and I loved finding all the Toads and Frogs.

- Ellis Mann

My favorite moment was ringing my first Nightjar and observing it in the hand, it was great to do some ringing in the New Forest and with different people.

- Rosie Johnson

Who doesn't love Toads?

-Matthew Worsfold.

When I visited Cameron's Cottage, I liked everything but I especially liked the rare things like the Heather Crab Spider and Silky Rosegill.

-Samuel Blyth-Skyrme

I really enjoyed moth trapping, with highlights of Dingy Mocha, Dark Crimson Underwing and Sallow Kitten. All new species for me. Brown Argus was another highlight, but the best moment was getting to hold a Nightjar for release. I will never forget this weekend!

-Max Cantrell

Sleeping, meeting new people, Bio blitz, Nightjar ringing, walking, camp fire, everyone here, like minded people, atmosphere, leaders-friendly.

-Jose-Maria Kimburi

Wildlife camp has helped me connect with others wildlife enthusiasts from across the UK.

-Colin Teal

Really enjoyed it, I learnt a lot of new insects species and I also got some good shots of them.

-Jamie Ward

Really enjoyed ringing my first bird, having a great view of a Nightjar and also i got some cracking shots.

-Dimitri Moore

The best bit was seeing a Nightjar and an Elephant Hawk moth, which I haven't seen before. I also felt like I learnt more about nature.

-Daniel Cooper

Really enjoyed the experience (as usual), the Nightjars being an ineradicable highlight for me. Beautiful birds, just as ineradicable was the Dark Crimson Underwing. All round an amazing opportunity and something I would never say no to.

-Willow Bloomfield

I enjoyed seeing and holding Toads/Frogs. Photographing Moths caught in the moth traps. Going to see the Nightjars.

-Angel Bruton

I really enjoyed this weekend because I saw lots of new species like Nightjar or Brown Anguse . I feel I have learnt a lot and there was always something to keep me occupied and so I could make the most of the weekend.

-Harry Williams

I enjoyed seeing the Nightjars being ringed and I also enjoyed seeing the baby Toads. I also really liked doing the bio blitz, seeing lots of other species I would have never noticed if I was on my own.

-Jessica Ward

I've had a pretty good weekend, most of it was devoted to finding interesting wildlife, Nightjars,Toads etc. The food was good and beds were fine. I give this weekend a nine and a half. Toads!

-Patrick Joyce

Ringing, Bio blitz, sleeping, Moth traps, Whittling sticks, being out in nature all weekend.- Banksy.

-Jackson Mann

Amazing time with brilliant people. Great to spend a weekend surrounded by such enthusiasm. The highlights of my weekend were seeing my first Nightjar and Silky Rosegill.

-Emily Hunt

The Wild New Forest wildlife camp- A great time a truly unforgettable experience for everyone. I always look forward to these camps and they get better every year, especially this one with the amazing highlights and memories. Moth trapping with highlights of Dark Crimson Underwing, which is nationally scarce and truly beautiful, and others including Langmaid's Yellow Underwing, Elephant Hawk moth and Dingy Mocha. One of the greatest experiences was Nightjar ringing. A great dusk walk on the heath to watch the Nightjar flying and hear them churring, alongside with actually catching a male in a mist net and getting to watch it being ringed. Being a bird-ringing trainee myself, I really enjoyed the experience and soaked up all the information I could and I hope I can ring one in the future. Getting to see my first ever Crossbills was amazing and just added to the whole amazing experience of camp. Along with all the amazing people and my great friends, I had the best time possible and wouldn't change any of it.

-Amy Squire

Wow, I think you can agree that all these young people had a great

weekend from their notes.

We thank everyone of them for joining us on a wonderful weekend with

many memorable wildlife experiences for us all.

Many thanks to The Cameron Bespolka Trust and RSPB for supporting the weekend

and the volunteers, Andy Page, Jane Pownall, Nigel R Jones and Tara Squire

and our mentors, Dimitri Moore, Max Cantrell and Tom Saunders,

without whom the weekend wouldn't have been possible.

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